Account registration¶
When reaching the Fast2 UI for the first time, you will be prompted to create an account.
To create a new account in Fast2, follow these steps:
- Fill in the Required Information: Enter the following details:
- First Name: Enter your first name.
- Last Name: Enter your last name.
- Email: Provide a valid email address. This will be used for login.
- Password: Choose a strong password. Remember that your password is crucial for securing your account.
- Confirm Password: Re-enter the same password to confirm it matches.
- Review the Password Guidelines:
- Ensure your password meets the security requirements: At least 8 characters long and maximum 16 characters long.
- Submit Your Information:
- Click on the "Creating my account" button to complete the registration.
It is essential to remember your password. Fast2 does not offer password recovery for forgotten passwords.
Once you have registered, you can log in to the Fast2 UI using your email and password.