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Learn how to deal with contents

Content structure

In Fast2, contents are objects embedding the "file" (= binary format) of the document. They can be found within either documents themselves or annotations, and can be accessed through different ways. Contents usually hold a mime-type property, alongside any other property closely related to the content itself.

Contents are often referred as ContentContainers.

How to create a content

This section relates of how to add a content from the code.

If you wish to add a content (or delete it), head out to the AlterDocumentContent task.

// From an URL or a path
ContentContainer myContent = task.getManager()
                    .createContent(myDocument, myUrl);

// From an inputstream
ContentContainer myContent = task.getManager()
                    .createContent(myPunnet, myDocument, myInputStream);

// From a byte array
ContentContainer myContent = task.getManager()
                    .createContent(myPunnet, myDocument, myByteArray);

How to access a content

When digging into the structure of a punnet from the Explore place, you'll come across an URL pointing to the location of the binary file.

However there is quite a few ways of accessing a given content:

// As java file
File myFile = task.getManager()

// As byte array
byte[] myBytes = task.getManager()

// As URL
URL myURL = task.getManager()

// As RandomAccessInterface
RandomAccessInterface myRAI = task.getManager()


The content mime-type is a property usually added by the MimeTypeFinder task. However you could be willing to force it, which can be done like so:

myContent.setMimeType("the right mime-type");

This is basically what the MimeTypeFinder will do once the mime-type resolved from the content format.

To access this value, a regular java getter will do:

String myMimetype = myContent.getMimeType();


The contents in Fast2 also embed properties, for more closely related data.

Collection<Property> myProps = myContent.getProperties();

String myValue = myContent.getProperty(myName);



Subcontents are just regular contents stored into a ContentSet attached to a content.

They can be both created/added and removed:

ContentSet subContents = myContent.getSubContents();
